Private Transformations

Transformations files that are private to your organisation.

Private transformation files are only visible to your organisation. These transformation are often bespoke or contain custom attribute mapping that are relative to you. Private transformations are the most common way in HighCohesion of customising data flows between different systems.


To create a new private transformation file, follow the steps below:

  1. From the control panel, click on the Transformations link from the left hand navigation.

  2. At the top right hand side of the page, press the button that says Create Transformation.

  3. This will then load the new transformation file form. On this form complete the following options:

    1. Source - This is a drown down list of the systems available in the HighCohesion system. Please select from this list the source system for the data.

    2. Destination - This is a drown down list of the systems available in the HighCohesion system. Please select from this list the destination system for the data.

    3. Title - Give the Transformation file a title that is relative, for example: "Magento x Shopify Orders" or "Netsuite to Shopify Customer" etc.

    4. Data Type - Enter the data type for the typical entity in the transformation, e.g sales_order or customer

    5. Content - This box is for adding the actual content of the transformation file. The content must be a valid JSON document ( For more in depth information about the HighCohesion JSON format and functions available within it, please see the transformation developer guide or the example sales order documentation.

  4. Once the settings have been added, press the Save button at the bottom left of the page.

  5. The new private transformation file will now be securely saved and available for your organisation to use in the HighCohesion system.


Viewing a list of existing transformation files in your account can be seen by clicking on the Transformations link in the left hand navigation. Once this page has loaded you will see a table list of existing private transformation in your account. To view a single private transformation file then click on the view icon on the right hand side of the row.


To edit a private transformation file, from the list view, click on the small pen icon on the right side to load the edit form. The editing form in the control panel has the same options as shown in the "Creating" step above.


To delete a private transformation file, from the list view, click on the small bin icon on the right side. This will trigger the deletion of the file.

Promoting to Public

If you are a developer and you have created a transformation file that could benefit other users you may want to promote this file to be Public. To do this, please email with the name of the organisation and the name of the transformation file to promote. The team will then review the request and promote to public if relative. Once public, your transformation file will be available to use by any organisation in the HighCohesion platform.

Last updated

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